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good behaviorの例文


  • diego rodriguez was paroled last month ... good behavior .
  • diego rodriguez was paroled last month ... good behavior .
  • model good behavior . get them to a green cart .
    善行の手本だ グリーンカートを用意してほしい
  • maverick is getting out for good behavior .
    マーベリックは模範囚だから 出れるようだ
  • with putting a price tag on good behavior as incentive
    人を駆り立てるために 善い行いに値札をつけたり
  • maybe he shaves some time off for good behavior , huh ?
    たぶん、いい行動に 休暇をくれる思う、でしょ?
  • what happened to time off for good behavior ?
    休み時間に 何があった?
  • with good behavior , how many years of my sentence can i expectto serve ?
    もし、善行したら 何年間になる?
  • sentence reduced for good behavior .
  • out in three for good behavior .
  • this morning . good behavior .
    今朝 模範囚だったから
  • this morning . good behavior .
    今朝 模範囚だったから
  • out in four . good behavior .
  • out in four . good behavior .
  • as a result , he met with his father ' s anger and was given a good behavior order .
  • (some monks of hongan-ji school consider , to the contrary , that it is good behavior to always bring an object of worship .)
  • 8 years is more like 4 12 with good behavior but it's erelavant' beacause with you out of the picture and with the crime rate going up through the roof
    模範囚なら 4年半で出られるが だがそれは 想定しなくていい 君が居ないことで
  • when the honorable priest anan , who was one of the judai deshi and was called the top ability of tamon (to hear lots of sutras and to keep good behavior ), was practicing meditation at a quite place , a hungry ghost named enku appeared .